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3-4-5-6 JULY 25
Liège, Be




Otis is the founder of Slagwerk, a Brussels-based label notorious for their parties, bringing together theever-surprising stretches of contemporary music – its history includes James Ferraro, AmnesiaScanner, Crystallmess, Oli XL, Varg2™, Sky h1 and Vegyn. – and a delight in the many faces of club,never disconnected from the families it fosters. That partying is not something one should take lightly,understands Slagwerk like no other, showing that only in its experimental and dynamic embrace onecan escape both nightlife’s over-intellectualizing and too- trivializing impulses. At Slagwerk, and so tooin Otis’ continuous escapades as a DJ, the trivial is never just banal, the poppy never just popular, butthe cutting-edge never turns pose either. In Otis’ sets, rigid conceptions of music are left aside,cul-de-sacs explored conditionally through humor, aect and instinct alike. Staying true to the thrilland shued spirit of online musical discovery, sound and songs connect and disconnect, ow anddisrupt, genres are exploited and transgressed, melody seduced and swept. Having had the opportunityto play Boiler Room, Dekmantel Festival, Dour Festival (BE), Bossa Nova (NYC), C12 (Brussels),Garage Noord, De School (Amsterdam), La Station (Paris), PTX (Athens), Macao (Milan), TraumaBar (Berlin), Creepy Teepee Festival (CZ) etc, supporting the likes of Yves Tumor, Eartheater, Oklou,Bladee and Swan Meat and appear on radio platforms including The Lot Radio (NYC), NTS Radio(London), Rinse France (Paris), Otis’ sets each seem an inspired and heterogeneous take on thatsublime desire to simultaneously keep up and let go.


Supported by Sabam for Culture & Playright